Here's what we believe:
We believe in respecting an individual's desire and decision to choose the manner of their death, with dignity and in peace, and under circumstances of the individual's choosing, including the when, where and how.

Educate and Inform
We seek to make North Carolinians aware of their options to make sure their end of life choices represent their preferences and that their death is as painless and dignified as possible, and consistent with their wishes.

Provide Choice
For many, life will be worth the struggle, no matter the suffering and incapacity. For others, a wish to hasten the inevitable and avoid futile treatment under a self-directed plan, according to one’s planning and timing is a last act of autonomy and willfulness.

Enact Legislation
We urge our N.C. legislature to join the 10 other states, the District of Columbia and at least seven countries (including Canada), which offer their citizens a choice of peacefully terminating their life when death has become an imminent and insufferable inevitability.
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