Readers Respond: Letters to the Editor Show Mixed Views

Two weeks after its latest endorsement of euthanasia and MAID, The Economist magazine, a globally respected weekly, drew a mixed bag of defiant responses.  Some suggested MAID and euthanasia detracted from advances in palliative care and access to hospice; others, without evidence,  questioned the reliability of Dutch data showing no untoward experiences; others asked simply why should MAID and euthanasia only be available to the terminally ill:  shouldn't everyone have the right to a peaceful exit if that is their preference.  One reader recounted the horrors of VSED, watching his wife wither for a fortnight because the far more humane MAID law was not in effect in his state.

All in all, the Letters to the Editor chronicle a diversity of views, with an obvious bias in those who practice palliative medicine believing that they know better than their patients.

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